Coronavirus Quarantine for singles can be extremely challenging. But there are a few simple things you can do to get through the quarantine even if you’re single, all alone and feeling lonely. You may not have a loving life partner sitting next to you on the sofa, but you can still connect with people during the lockdown to feel less lonely in quarantine.
Reconnect with Your Loved Ones

This is a great time to reconnect with those that you truly love. Now you have more time on your hands. You can do those things that you didn’t have the time for.
This is the time to reconnect with that friend from school, your auntie, your mom and your siblings. I’m sure you can think of some people in your life that you care about, but you have not made that much effort to really connect with lately. This is a great time to do that.
Don’t limit yourself just to the phone call. Have a video call. It’s very important that you see another face in front of you. You will feel more connected to the person you’re speaking to when you can see their face.
Join an Online Community

If you go on your Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform you’ll see a lot of influencers, authors and coaches having online conferences, webinars and live videos, Zoom calls.
There are all kinds of interactive classes where you can connect with people. You can also talk to them and even make new friends. There are thousands if not millions of people in this world going through exactly what you’re going through. You may be feeling lonely, but you’re not alone.
Is there anything you’ve been meaning to learn? This is a great time to brush up your language skills, learn how to cook, how to make videos or how to be better in relationships. Make sure you follow me on Instagram where I share daily tips helping you get through these difficult times. Follow me at @ieva.kamb
Focus on What You Already Have

TikTok dancing challenges, couples cooking together, couples watching films together. You see it all on your social media feed. And you’re here all by yourself during the lockdown.
Firstly, remind yourself that grass looks always greener on the other side. Keep in mind that it can be really challenging for those couples that are locked together for days, weeks and probably even longer. No matter how much you love someone. You can’t be with that person 24/7.
You may not have someone you can do a dancing TikTok challenge while you’re in quarantine, but what is going well in your life? Focus on that. Maybe one of the reasons you’re currently single is because you did walk away from that relationship with someone that was not so good for you. Appreciate that.
Write down three things you’re grateful for. Practice that at the end of each day. This will absolutely transform how you feel. When you focus on what you already have, you can attract so much more goodness in your life.
SINGLE IN QUARANTINE (5 great ways to cope with loneliness, self-isolation and social distancing)
Watch my video and tell me in the comments what’s that one thing you can do straight away to feel less lonely in coronavirus lockdown.
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay