පිරුණු තොල් සඟලක් කාන්තා රූපයකට එකතු කරන්නේ ආකර්ෂණීය, සරාගී බවක්. රූපලාවණ්ය ක්ෂේත්රයේ අද වන විට බහුලව දකින්න පුළුවන් ප්රතිකර්මයක් ලෙස Lip Augmentation(දෙතොල් විශාල කිරීම) හඳුන්වන්න පුළුවන්. විවිධ වර්ගවල පිරවුම් එන්නත් කිරීම මගින් තොල් විශාලනය සිදු කෙරෙනවා. මෙය මිල අධික වගේම අවධානම් රැසක් ඇති ක්රමයක්. පසුකාලීන අතුරු ආබාධ පවා බහුලයි. නිරූපිකාවන්, නිළියන් වගේම ධනවත් කාන්තාවන් බහුලව මෙයට යොමු වුනත් මෙය ඉතා අවධානම් බව ඔබට වැටහෙනවා ඇති. අද අපි ඔබට හඳුන්වා දෙන්නේ අපූරු උපකරණයක්. ඔබේ ගමන් මල්ලේ ගෙන යා හැකි පුංචි මෙවලමක්(Lip plumping device). කිසිම අතුරු ආබාධයක් නොමැතිව පැය 04-08 වැනි කාලයකට ලොකු සරාගී දෙතොලක් විනාඩි කීපයකින් හදාගන්නට හැකි Fullips ඇමෙරිකානු පේටන්ට් බලපත්ර ලාභී නිෂ්පාදනයක්. Fullips ගැන අද අපි ඔයාලට කියන්න යන්නේ එහි නිර්මාතෘවරිය වන ලින්ඩා ගෝමස්(Linda Gomez) Zest Girls Sri Lanka අපට කියන කතාව.

01) First of all, I would like to give you love and greetings from our Zest Girls family. Please tell a few words about yourself to our readers.
Well, I’m now 64 years old and the Mother of 6 children and the Grandmother of 3, almost 4. I invented Fullips when I was 52 years old and the product went viral thanks to a youtube video by Cosmopolitan Magazine shipping worldwide. Because of dangerous counterfeits of our product (containing dangerous chemicals in the plastic) sold from China, last month we were invited to the White House for meetings on alerting the public to the dangers in buying counterfeits and knock-offs. We are a small family run business, and 2 of my adult children went with me to the White House meeting. My youngest son Hunter Gomez and my youngest daughter Ashley Gomez. The daughter in the photo attached is an attorney and in-house counsel for us. She also does our demos.
02) What is this Fullips? Please, can you explain the mechanism of this product? And what is the material of this product? Plastic or any special material?
Fullips is patented, self-suction lip plumper designed for temporary plumping of your lips. Most of our customers are people that either do not want to use chemical injections or don’t want to pay the price or have the pain of injections. Fullips is a one-time purchase, unlike plumping glosses. Fullips lasts 2-4 hours as a general rule and can be carried in a make-up bag for touch-ups. The plastic we use is high food-grade plastic and FDA approved colorant which is very important since these are items that are placed on the mouth. The knock-offs have come back with arsenic, lead, barium, etc. and should not be used.
03) Are there any side effects on this product?
If the directions are not followed, especially when first using them, they can cause bruising. Hard suction should never be used and if it is, the enhancers do not work. I have been using them for 12 years now and have never had a bruise and no other changes to my lips or lip area.
04) Why Fullips available in 03 sizes? What is the difference between them?
The 3 sizes are because not all lips are the same. If you have really thin lips like I do, the small is the best. I like using it vertically. The small is also good for targeting specific areas. The medium is just what you would expect, designed for lips that are not too thin and not too full. And it can be used one lip at a time.
People with fuller lips but who want a little extra plump would use the large for overall plumping.
We have lots of demos and answers on our website http://www.fullips.com and we are always available to answer questions as well.
05) Are the results of this product permanent? OR temporary?
The results are temporary. While I have seen people say it lasts up to 8 hours for them, 2-4 hours is the norm and the more hydrated someone is the longer they last. It does take about a month for max effects. Some people say they have long term changes, but that does not happen.
06) How long does it take to get good results? Are there any other products that should use at the time?
As I mentioned above, it takes about a month for your lips to get used to using these and to figure out what works best. The longer you use them, the better you will know how long to leave them on and the best placement. I put mine on while I’m doing the rest of my make-up and by the time I’m done, my lips are ready for lipstick. It seems liner helps them last longer and some people also use plumping gloss, but using your normal lip products works just fine.

07) There are similar counterfeit products on the market. How to identify the right “Fullips” product?
Yes, we manufacture in the USA. The counterfeits are made and ship from China for the most part. The counterfeits are a problem for several reasons, the most important is the chemicals the counterfeiters use in their plastic. The outward appearance of a listing or enhancer is very hard for a reader to tell if it is counterfeit as the counterfeiters are very good at copying the look of the product but what they make them with is not safe.
We do ship to other countries directly from the USA from our website. We do have some resellers on other sites as well and if someone sees a listing and would like to know if they are authentic, they can write to us and we will tell them. info@etalbeauty.com
08) Please tell our readers how to get the original “Fullips” product.
We sell on our website– http://www.fullips.com and if your readers use the code Linda10 that will give them 10% off. Plus, if they are outside the USA, because of the higher shipping price, when they order a single at 19.99, we will send them all 3 sizes. Hope that helps! xoxo Linda
උසස් ප්රමිතියේ නියම නිෂ්පාදන මිලට ගැනීමට පිවිසෙන්න: https://www.fullips.com/