What if I told you a simple massage could change your life? That a practice exists that could boost your confidence, enhance your relationships and release your inner goddess, just by learning and practicing a few basic techniques. I’d like to share with you the power of Yoni massage and why you should make it a part of your life.
So, what is Yoni massage?
Yoni is another word for vagina. So, in some ways, you can see it as a vaginal massage, although it’s not just that.

Yoni massage is an art. Yoni massage is not just about the Yoni, it’s about a sexual awakening. It’s about empowerment. Yoni massage is something you can do during sex, but it’s also something you can do outside of sex. You can do this for yourself, for your lover and also you can do it for your friends, or people who work with me do it as practitioner and client. You don’t necessarily have to make love with somebody in order to receive Yoni massage, and one of my goals is to teach people about this about the benefits of this wonderful practice. So many people don’t realise Yoni massage exists!
I’ll bet that as a woman, you are not even aware that a vaginal massage can bring you so many benefits; and not just you, the giver of the massage benefits too. Yoni massage allows you to move away from goal-oriented sex and penetration-oriented sex. Yes, penetration is amazing. Nothing is like penetration and nothing can replace that, but, there’s also non-genital sex, and Yoni can help both the giver and receiver learn to discover and experience pleasure in various, different ways. Generally, the benefits of Yoni massage are pleasure, healing and power – aspects that can connect you to new kind of orgasms. And there’s so much more than just clitoral stimulation and clitoral orgasm: by embracing Yoni massage, you can look to open yourself to new kinds of pleasure and new kinds of orgasmic states.
The Power of Yoni massage
As I’ve mentioned, the three important aspects of Yoni massage are pleasure, healing, and power.

Pleasure means that with the help of someone else (or alone) you can become crazily orgasmic. Have you always longed to experience multiple orgasms, different types of orgasms, and also, the orgasmic state? With Yoni massage you can achieve all these sensations and you will begin to understand that it’s not about the orgasmic peak, it’s about the orgasmic state – a continuous, long state of orgasm that a person, a man or a woman, can be in. I had this one client, I gave her Yoni massage and sexual healing and she said, “Here I was, a woman who until recently thought she was non-orgasmic, in a whole body orgasm that lasted for around two hours”. So, this is truly what’s possible with Yoni massage when it comes to the pleasure aspect.
The second aspect of Yoni massage is healing. Healing is a very important part of Yoni massage and more generally of Tantric sexuality and personal development. For example, many women have experienced some kind of sexual abuse or shame surrounding sex, and I use my sessions to tackle these issues. Even if you haven’t had these experiences, it is often the case that you still hold emotions and memories in your Yoni. This is because emotions and negativity are not being dealt with, and instead are suppressed. So those energies remain in the body and then, when you’re making love, suddenly you will have anger, sadness, or frustration.
Perhaps you have experienced this and put it down to dissatisfaction with your partner’s performance or disappointment at a lack of intimacy? Giving without needing to receive is such an important idea, and as a couple, Yoni massage can really show you this and bring you together. If you are going through a bit of a stale period in your relationship, invite your partner to give you a Yoni massage. It is a beautiful offering – not taking, but giving. Yoni can help you let go and allow your body and mind to freely experience the pleasure aspect we discussed.
Interestingly, Yoni massage can also heal sexual trauma, sexual abuse, pain in your vagina, vaginismus, or just numbness. So many women are numb inside their vagina; they don’t feel much inside. They feel at the entrance, they feel the clitoris, but inside, it’s like they don’t have any sensitivity at all. And so, Yoni massage can help encourage sensitivity in there as well. You see, Yoni massage isn’t just physical healing; it’s emotional healing as well.
The last aspect of Yoni massage is power. Power is very important and through Yoni massage, you can be empowered to learn about your own body and experience amazing orgasms by yourself. Although during my professional sessions I facilitate space and orgasms for my clients, I also facilitate healing for them. When I am making love with women and when I am giving Yoni massages to my clients, my intention is that afterward, the woman doesn’t need me anymore and she can meet anybody and have amazing sex with them and become crazy orgasmic and independent and empowered and confident by herself.
Love Yourself With Yoni massage
Women ask me: “Could this be used for self-care as a woman? Is it possible as healing?” You might be wondering the same thing right now! Well, It’s very possible to practice Yoni massage for yourself – after all, empowerment starts with you. Transformation starts with you. So, by all means, do this for yourself as well, use your fingers, use a dildo, or even use some long vegetables. Do this every day. Do this for a month. Self-pleasuring and internal stimulation is one of the core practices that I share with my clients and with my students at my workshops.
So this is the beauty of Yoni massage. It’s not like a happy ending. It’s not a sexual service. It’s something that teaches a woman how to receive that first, and afterward how to experience that by herself. I call my sessions the Goddess Awakening Session. The Goddess Awakening Session is not just about the Yoni, and it’s not just a message. It’s a whole-body experience that involves touch, expression, release, and spiritual states.
So, what’s next?
Now that you understand more about Yoni massage and the amazing benefits it can bring to your life and relationships, there are some techniques you can learn and practice.
My book “Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to Pleasure, Healing, and Power”, was endorsed by female sexuality educators and described by one of them as “the best orgasm guide for women”. It teaches a woman how to become deeply orgasmic by herself, and later share that with her partner. Download a free sample or get the gorgeous paperback at http://intimatepower.com/orgasmunleashed/
For resources, support and a vibrant community of women on this journey, join the “sexual empowerment for women” movement and group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1874975506079827/