You thought you’d never hear from him again and suddenly he comes back unexpectedly.
There will be a few people coming back into your life during this lonely time while you’re in the lockdown. Before you respond to a ghoster, a man that disappeared unexpectedly and maybe even ignored your texts completely, I want you to keep something in mind.
My aim and my mission as a relationship and dating coach is to make sure that you date smarter and that you attract a man that you truly desire. A man that respects you and shows up in the way you want him to.
Before you respond to a guy, who disappeared with no explanation and suddenly appeared again, ask yourself these three questions.

Why do you want to continue having a contact with this person?
It could be that You really like him. And you hope that this may evolve into something more serious and not just an exchange of texts. Ok, stay here. Continue reading, because you’re going to find this useful.
You may want to message him back, because you want to ghost him just like he did. You want to make sure he goes through what you did. You want him to suffer.
Keep in mind that two wrongs don’t make it right. You’re so much better than this. You have better things to do in your life than waste your time and energy on this.

Is there a pattern of bad behaviour?
I have an experience of chasing unavailable men for a decade. I’ve even called the first chapter of my book Why Am I Still Single for Women, Why you’ll marry the wrong person.
I made so many mistakes. I don’t want you to do be in that situation. I don’t want you to be in a situation where you’re expecting him to change even after he appears and disappears again. Or when he’s disrespecting you and is never showing up in the way that you want him to. He might be even a cheater, but deep down you hope he’ll come back to you and love you the way you want him to.
Before you respond to that message, take a step back and ask yourself is there a pattern of bad behavior?

What makes this time different?
Maybe you can look back and you can see the time when he messaged you out of nowhere and then that escalated into days or weeks of communication. Maybe he said he’s going to come and see you. Maybe he said he’s going to set up a date or even spend a romantic weekend with you.
But later the history repeats itself and he disappears again. You don’t hear from him for days, weeks and even months.
What makes this time different? You’re a smart cookie. You don’t need to waste your time with someone who doesn’t value you.
To learn more about what to do when a guy that disappears suddenly comes back and how your phone book is stopping you from attracting the love you truly desire, watch my video
Cover photo credit: Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay