I want you to know how much I love you and care about your well-being and I am so grateful for having you in my life. You were, and are, so instrumental in my seeing what I need to change about me to be a better person and although it is a somewhat lengthy process I have become a person I truly like. You must also know that whatever troubles you, troubles me, and while I can’t fix what you’re going through I will try and support you as best I can.

Recently I came across this piece from Neale Donald Walsch; “That you can live a charmed life, and that there is a formula by which you can make this work. Here is the formula: You can live a charmed life by causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the source of ‘charm’ — of charming moments and experiences — in the life of another. Be everyone else’s Lucky Charm! Make all who you touch today feel ‘lucky’ that you crossed their path. Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it for a month and you’ll be a different person.
There are a few beliefs that see me through issues and here they are:
01) Eliminate as much past thinking as I can. That means all the stuff of how I believe I was hurt and being a victim of those past problems. Since I can’t change what happened all I can do is try and see the message or lesson and move forward with each new day, hopefully making it better.
02) Eliminate the anger I have about those issues or people I see as hurtful, as it only continues to hurt me in the present.
03) Practice forgiveness of those who I believe has hurt me trying to understand why they acted that way or at least letting it go, which can change my circumstances.
Like you, I have my own unique path to travel and lessons to be learned in this life, which also helps me in not being a victim and allowing others to be who they are. If the pain I feel from someone is so great then I don’t have to associate with them. Even when I want to point out to someone what I don’t like about them I realize that if I do that it only adds to the problem. So I try and approach the problem and to summon words that show compassion and love. As Gandhi said so well, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”, and then Ben Franklin added, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”. So you can see how one quote unifies the other. In that I can only change me and I cannot change someone else. The best I can do is hopefully show them a better way.
So, if at times I feel cursed, or wounded, or wronged in someway, I stop and change my thinking. To understand the lesson or the message the universe is having me experience. For as long as I resist this same issue will persist These lessons will continue in a slightly different form or exactly the same as before, until I understand what “it” is. Then make a change in my behavior or thinking.
I have also found that the best way I can achieve growth is to have a coach or mentor, which is someone we all need, even though we may believe we can do it on our own.
Blessings and Love to All.

Web links : Arthur’s official website / Amazon Link to buy the book